Jack Stanza is the father of ‘Strix’ in the novel “0w1:believe”. He was known in the Security Services as the ‘toxic poet’ because of his politic , anti-State views. He developed a style of poetry he called ‘broken lines’, because he saw that the world was broken as well as the politics which governed it.

(In Jack and Strix’s world, there is what they call a Corporate Government, or Corpocracy; the government of the UK consists of CEOs from the most successful companies, the leading company provides the Prime Minister and other CEOs populate the Cabinet Offices).

Jack was murdered by the State Security Services in Lincoln Gaol. Strix’s mother was also murdered by the SSS. They were a family much detested by the State and persecuted for their beliefs in a world freed from the World-System and the desire to live ‘an archon’; without authority.

This journal entry will be published in the second novel of the series.


The greatest terrorist organisation in the world is...

The State.

Whatever the country. Whatever the Continent.

It is reckoned that there are around 15,000 nuclear weapons on planet Earth.

America holds c5000

Russia about 6000...

the rest; well, they are scattered around the Globe – strategically placed for maximum human impact – and against the People’s wishes.

The greatest terrorist organisation in the world is...

The State.

With their Laogais, Stalags and industrial prison complexes.

Whilst the focus has been on Nazi atrocities, of the KZ Death Camp variety and the total of six million Jews who were exterminated, is dwarfed by Russia’s ‘Socialist’ State, and its incarceration and murder of circa One Hundred Million dissident voices.

And yet many these days, still announce their commitment to Socialism; revising the past like it was ‘not the real thing’. As for me, I’d hate to see the real thing; a compassionless, oligarchical collectivism, where human life is expendable, a disposable commodity of the State’s possession. Possession is the right word to use here.

Taxes for Tyranny should be the slogan on all of our placards.

The greatest terrorist organisation in the world is...

The State.

When their politics fail, words give way to weapons and war ensues. We the People, fight their wars, not ours; as we only desire to live in peace with our children, families and communities.

The greatest terrorist organisation in the world is...

The State.

With their Agent Orange, Napalm, Novichok, Sarin or Mustard Gas chemical weapons. If they can’t nuke us, they want our skin to boil and blister.

These chemical weapons are a corrosive influence on the People’s wellbeing. We pay for this in two ways: with taxes and our lives. Yes, we pay for this abuse of humanity.

The State is an illegitimate power on Planet Earth, a cancer spreading to our children and families. It is a predator, a seditious, tyrannical presence; the Children of Earth and the Earth itself groan in anticipation of the birth of consciousness, for it is that one thing which will herald its demise.

All suffer for the State’s claims to our obedience, or commitment to follow their dictats blindly as patriots.

Patriotism is the opiate of the People.

The State depends on the collective unconscious of its somnambulant citizens; that is why consciousness is the only remedy to this subservience and the continual corruption of humanity and the Earth.

The State depends on the System to maintain their collaboration; it is reliant on a total environment to control them. Total environments are another way of talking about propaganda, by which we do not mean a scatter-gun approach to dis-information, but controlling the whole environment so that this information is received and acted upon. Be that fear for the planet, from any of the means above and can destroy us, or newly concocted fears as a means of tightening the grip of the State.

Tyrants are notorious for raising the red flags of historical injustices to incite hatred and revenge. Whether of Jews, Bolsheviks, Fascists or anti-Communists; it may even come down to intellectual commitments that question the legitimacy of government, or to the annexation of geographical regions known for their agricultural productivity, or the fecundity of natural resources.

Calls for independence by appeals to Nationalism (another opiate of the people) or threats from the climate or pollution of air, soil and water; all of which the State has caused, but the State wants more power to set things right before it’s too late.

Does this sound familiar to you?

However, the System that caused the problems cannot deliver the solutions to them. Its call for more power is simply a means to cling to its eminent state. But this power is an illusion, for in truth it has none of its own. It relies on us, its citizens, to give it to them. We then are the ultimate creators of injustice and corruption by this illegitimate State.

Again, the answer to this is not to fix the System, or replace the current State with a new variety, to solve the ever-burgeoning problems it has caused.

This has been tried for centuries, without any real quantifiable and long-term evidence of meaningful change. The only thing that trickle-down economics has brought us, is injustice. The grand cry of revolutionaries for liberty, ended in terror and today we have more surveillance cameras, all in the name of protecting freedom, which only erodes it! Fraternity has been replaced by suspicion, them and us, the in-crowd and the excluded.

In fact, the State controls all areas of life including our so-called inviolable freedoms; our relationships to other human beings, included. Equality is a sop, used for social engineering purposes as well as democratic ones, namely securing your vote.

BUT, the voice of the People has been replaced by the voice of the State; Democracy for Corpocracy – a government ruled by Corporations. From the Autocrats in the Northern Hemisphere to the familial Boyarists in the Southern Hemisphere, the voice of the People has been silenced.

We are merely talking and walking in our sleep; we are somnambulists, the Zombies of the System. However, lest you feel unjustly criticised or that all is lost, there is a ghost in the machine – it’s called consciousness.

For if you are conscious, awake, alert, you cannot participate in the System and you are outside of that total environment they use to control the huddled masses. You see the whole picture and destroy their tribal gods.

The State is an illegitimate entity, an abuser and confuser of the People.

So, you may ask, “What does this Consciousness look like?” “Where can I find it?”

It looks like everything this World System is not, and…

It is nowhere to be found.

To paraphrase Lao Tzu, “If you can see the Way, you are not on it.”

For consciousness is within, but firstly it needs to be acknowledged and you need to ‘enter it’ through the heart and not your mind, which as we have already learned has not served humanity well to this point in time. It emanates from the Source of all Life. Consciousness is a Divine emanation. I am not talking about religion here, but of true spiritual freedom.

The State knows nothing about this, nor the State Church. It can’t ‘point you in the right direction’ because there is nowhere to go, to ‘get it’.

There is no political policy that can create it, for ideologies merely feed this World-System.

Silence is the way to apprehend it. For it is only in silence that you can hear the right voices. Paradoxical, eh? It brings peace, dissolves the disconnectedness of life caused by emphasising race, status or gender; all packaged as State diktats.

Consciousness is a homecoming of universal, Cosmic significance.

The heart is the threshold to consciousness. You enter it through the heart and not the mind. How so?

Because the mind is like a binary processor which is attracted to binary systems of life, of reality: them or us, this or that, the faithful and the heretics. It is bound in time; the tick-tock of the clock, the measurement of time for billing purposes.

The heart is a quantum processor, with the Quantum Universe in view; one of flow and relationships and not the oppositions of cause and effect. It is a unitive consciousness, no longer fragmented by ideological claims and the politics of status and identity. It is not bound by that clock, but works from the eternal place at the centre of the heart.

Love your enemies is the most profound subversion to the politics of enemy within and without. It is the ultimate tool of non-violence. For those you love cannot be your enemy.

This processor looks at the whole and is not divisive. It focuses on love, not hate, nor the lesser god of suspicion. It moves us from angst and anxiety to love and compassion – in fact, everything we would want in this world for our children, our families and our communities.

These are the fruits of consciousness and I hope this thought disturbs your sleep.

Jack Stanza,


Geoff Hall

A writer of novels and screenplays. My Novel “0w1:bleieve” follows a group of artists and coders who seek to subvert the authority of an absolutist State.


