These are the signs of decadence in such States, for political power isn’t enough, they must also be able to control the immortal soul. Well, that is their pretension; the fact they believe they can, is another form of delusion.

This World of 0w1 is a time were totalitarianism is seen as a virtue of political mastery, but this delusion makes them blind to the cracks in their reality and their inability to control every aspect, even when we consider that education, housing, employment, the economy, library services and spirituality are all within their grasp, you may wonder what is left for those in the resistance can fight for. It seems that they will have difficulty appealing to others, when everyone can live a satisfied life.

It is of course, the appeal to self-interest, for if everyone is fighting their own corner, then what traction would someone have with talk of discontent or distress.

The State however, has covered its tracks well, for not everyone believes that the Political Correction Facilities exist, but that they’re the urban legend of a few malcontents. But Strix knows, and so do his friends and they will not be blinded by this total environment projected through this system of control.

The belief in a benevolent State is for people like Calvin’s parents, who are a happy to receive the benefits of this political arrangement and are not at all concerned about invasions of privacy and restrictions on speech and movement. “Surely, we all want to be safe, don’t we?” is the cry of Calvin’s dronish parents, with no will of their own, no creative spark or imagination that can see the world differently.

The Church, along with all other spiritual institutions has got into bed with the Government, ran by the Corporations and what Jack, Strix’s father, would call a Corpocracy. Some of these august spiritual men – men because women were banned under a State edict and could not be in leadership of the said spiritual establishments. The men believed that they could continue with their teachings without interference, but that was proved to be a pipe dream.

Bristol Cathedral is not a place of living spirituality, but a museum and who wants to be a member of a spiritual museum? In the chapter with the ‘Vision of the Cathedral’ we see the evidence of how power corrupts people, who then lose their humanity.

This Group does not have their backs against a wall, even with all this stacked against them. A cause is a cause and worth pursuing, until they can see light bleed through the cracks. Change is coming!

Geoff Hall

owl themes

Geoff Hall

A writer of novels and screenplays. My Novel “0w1:bleieve” follows a group of artists and coders who seek to subvert the authority of an absolutist State.

